Romero Paprocki / ARTISTE / Kaï-Chun CHANG

Born in Taipei, Taiwan, Kai-Chun Chang (b. 1989) lives and works in Paris after graduated from Beaux-arts de Paris in 2017. His works span different media, from painting and photography to collage and monotype. Through the texture of light and chromatic fields, he creates spaces of contemplation where the memories and the emotions incarnate.

The initial formation of Chinese painting influences profoundly his creation. He represents volatile phenomena such as the air and the spectrum of light. The spatial perception occurs in colour gradients and vibrant shades. The work of Kai-Chun Chang is at the boundary of painting and photography, of representation and abstraction. Between the smooth surface of the canvas and the pictural depth, he always maintains a spiritual dimension.

In 2018, Kai-Chun Chang was nominated as finalist of International Price of Painting of Vitry-sur-Seine. Since 2019, he has participated in artist residencies in France, such as les Ateliers du Plessix-Madeuc in Dinan, La cour des arts in Saint-Rémy de Provence, and Musée Bernard Boesch in Pouliguen. His works feature in public collections in France, in China and in Taiwan. His last personal exhibition Eclipse of the room has been presented at Poush Manifesto in 2022.

Kaï-Chun CHANG