Studio Antoine FRANCHET

He entered the world of theatrical creation in the early 90s as a lighting designer and then began creating his first set design and videos a few years later. Since then, he has mixed space, light and image in the field of performing arts during eighty creations (notably at the Théâtre National de Strasbourg, at the CDN Nanterre Amandiers, at the Théâtre National de La Colline, at the CDN de Lille, St Etienne, Dijon...).

In 2019, he also co-signed, with Benoît Lambert and Jean-Charles Massera, the show “How deep is your usage of art?” », questioning the place of art today and our perception as individuals.

At the same time and since these beginnings, he has carried out more personal research on the image

In 2017, he began a photographic series, “Half the World”. At the origin of this work, a desire : to redefine the frame of the photo, a frame which would allow the off-camera to enter into the photo itself, to relate what is seen and what is not, what is and what is not yet, what was and what is now…

To do this, he hides a part of the field from the shot, by placing his hands on the lens using different techniques and thus brings into dialogue what does not appear with what remains visible…

Since then, he continues to develop this project, extending the main concept with « What remains » and « what comes out »