




Searching for Dali

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Searching for Dali

Unique edition
Painting, 2019
60 W x 40 H x 2 D cm
€450Purchasable via YourArt

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The artwork

The Grimaldi Forum in Monaco at a retrospective of the work of Salvador Dali. The exhibition was set up in the spirit of Dali's surrealism, with dark walls, deep shadows and rectangular shaped windows in the walls. The young woman is looking to her left at a Dali painting and in front and beyond her, through the "window" in an adjoining room an exhibition official is walking past.

History Of Art
0.72 kgs

The artist Paul SULLIVAN

I started painting & drawing when I retired in 2013. I went to an art class once a week & fortunately met a very helpful art teacher. After he introduced me to several types of painting & drawing I decided to use acrylic paint. During my early years at school and up to the age of 20, when I abandoned art, I painted in oils.

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