




Patchwork Lady Nr.1


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Patchwork Lady Nr.1

Unique edition
Sculpture, 2024
29 W x 32 H x 16 D cm
€970Purchasable via YourArt

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The artwork

This is my first sculpture where I experiment how to connect the textile and the glazed ceramic texture. I melded the raw allure of terracotta with the comfort of textile, crafting an eclectic vision. The two different surface becomes a unified persona with depth. This artwork is a testament to the beauty of imperfection and the strength in diversity, making it perfect for adding character and depth to any living space.

Body, Feminism, Identity
Enamel, Sandstone, Textile, Clay
3.8 kgs

The artist Agnes FODOR

I was born in Budapest, Hungary. Middle class family, nothing special. I always draw and I was a very sensitive child. When I was adolescent I became interested in comic books - which I think still affects my artistic style. Later I wanted to learn animation, and I made my BA in film making and film theory. Simultaneously I worked in the film industry as a set painter. On the set I met my future husband in 2016 and I moved to France with him - where I live and work since. In 2019 I started to make sculptures. I am autodidact. First I used resin and plaster, but now I manly make ceramic sculptures. The last three years family life was in the focus of my life. I have two boys who were born in this period - it was intense. But now I can dedicate more of my time to my craft.  So I think my artistic journey really just starts now.

Sculpture, Patchwork Lady Nr.1, Agnes FODOR
Patchwork Lady Nr.1
Sculpture, FingerSnail, Agnes FODOR